digital marketing for skeptics

Not sure you see the value in digital marketing?

Take the free course to find a new path online

Digital marketing facts
  • Do you wonder what your true ROI is for your marketing budget?
  • Have you struggled to connect your social media followers to sales?
  • Have you ever felt that digital marketing does not work well for small businesses?

Perhaps you are a skeptic, just like me.

Let's explore the world of digital marketing together in my


Digital Marketing for Skeptics

Make your marketing decisions based on data, not guesses!
I did the work for you – let me show you what works, and what doesn’t!

I am NOT a digital marketing specialist and I do NOT sell website design, social media marketing, keyword/Ad Word services - or really any digital marketing services.

I am a researcher and a passionate supporter of small businesses. I have worked with hundreds of businesses like yours, and I have learned what works for small businesses with a limited budget and even less time. Let me share my tips with you!

Interested in accessing the free Digital Marketing for Skeptics course? Sign up below.

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    Make the commitment to listening or reading these short daily lessons. Each lessons contains a five-minute assignment to do right away. Make a difference with your digital presence right away!

    This course is geared specifically toward B2B small business owners. Most of the lessons will also apply to solopreneurs and B2C businesses.